Our Sites

Veg on the Edge are a group of local people working together in our spare time to create opportunities for community food growing in Shipley and Saltaire (UNESCO World Heritage Site). Anyone is welcome to join in our activities and pick ripe produce from our publicly accessible sites.

We currently have the following growing spaces:

Sunday School Garden

P1060199_smlOur original garden in Caroline Street car park is on the site of the former Sunday School built by Sir Titus Salt (demolished in 1972). The garden contains three raised beds for veg and salad, and an orchard area with apple and pear trees, soft fruit and an edible flower bed. Feature plants: globe artichoke, sea kale, jostaberry, sunflowers, family apple tree, rose, fuchsia.


Japanese Edible Garden

File 21-08-2016, 17 37 11This garden is outside the Jonathan Silver Building on Exhibition Road, and inspired by the Japanese village that was on this site during the 1887 Royal Jubilee Exhibition. The raised area contains fruit bushes and wok veg, the main garden has a mixture of fruit trees, veg and edible flowers. Features include a mulberry tree, bamboo bean frame, wineberry, wasabi, ginkgo, a tea plant and a dwarf pine.


Plot at Platform 1

File 21-08-2016, 17 39 27This new sunny site at Saltaire Rail Station has four raised growing beds. Here you can discover fruit and veg from the countries which supplied raw materials to Salts Mill (Peru, Turkey and Russia) alongside everyday veg that would have been eaten by the Victorian mill workers in the Canteen next door. Feature plants: fig, pomegranate, olive, tomatillos, horseradish, watercress, hop, vine, coffee plant, apricot, cobnut, chilean guava, jerusalem artichokes.

Wash House Garden

We were asked by Saltaire Village Society to help look after the raised beds containing herbs in this garden on Caroline Street (near Edward Street and Amelia Street). Feature plants: black elder trees, cardoons, bronze fennel, angelica and lovage.

Baker Beds

The Baker Beds plot is on the grass verge at the end of Caroline Street where it meets Baker Street. As part of a project students at the Prince’s Trust/Shipley College built some of the beds on this site. Feature plants: cherry tree, raspberrywineberry and goji berry. If you live close to this site we’d love to you be involved or hear your thoughts, please get in touch.

Makers Space

This is our latest community growing space on Carlton Avenue which we started to tend in Spring 2019. The new apple tree is now growing well. We also planted herbs and edible flowers to brighten up this corner over the summer.

A map of our gardens

veg map for web update 2018

Top image © Matt O’Brien.